
Questão sobre Elementos de Publicidade e Argumentação


Originais Teachy


Elementos de Publicidade e Argumentação


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Média de Inglês

Imagine you are analyzing an advertisement for a new brand of sneakers. The advertisement claims that the shoes are made of high-quality materials, and includes images of famous athletes wearing them, as well as a catchy slogan. Which of the following techniques is used in this advertisement to persuade potential buyers?
Celebrity endorsement
Presentation of statistical data
Logical fallacies
Appeal to emotions
Expert testimonials


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During a group discussion in English class, one of your classmates didn't understand a point you made about your favorite movie. To help your classmate understand your opinion and resolve the misunderstanding, which of the following strategies could you use?

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Imagine you are planning a surprise birthday party for your best friend, and you need to make sure that everything is organized perfectly. Write a paragraph describing the preparations you will make and the tasks you and your friends are going to complete before the big day. Use a variety of future tenses, including 'will' and 'going to', to explain your plans and intentions.

Verbos: Principais Formas de Futuro • 'EF08LI14'

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Consider the following excerpt from J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone': 'They were in a narrow, low, windowless passage, lit by a solitary candle. They were standing on a cold stone floor, looking at a heavy wooden door.' Based on this passage, what English words can you identify that are related to parts or objects commonly found in a house?

Objetos e Partes da Casa

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In English, the present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or to talk about temporary situations. For example, 'I am reading a fascinating book right now' indicates an action in progress at the present moment, whereas 'The company is expanding into new markets' describes a temporary situation that is currently occurring. Consider the following excerpt from an article about current environmental initiatives: 'Scientists are developing new methods to reduce carbon emissions, and companies are increasingly investing in sustainable technologies.' (Source: Environmental Progress, June 2023, www.envprogress.com) Based on your understanding of the present continuous tense, analyze the use of this grammatical structure in the given context and address the following points in your response: 1. Identify and explain the function of the present continuous tense in each of the two examples from the article. 2. Discuss how the use of the present continuous tense contributes to the overall meaning of the sentence and the sense of ongoing progress in environmental efforts.

Presente Contínuo

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